

Welcome to KisuNet!

This is a place where I can post whatever I want, whenever I want! No beaurocracy!

Everything I make, and everything here, is intended for an adult audience ONLY. 🔞

©2023-2024 Kisunya

This Site 🔞

Other Sites 🔞

Buttons 🔞

get the KisuNet 88x31 buttons!
get the KisuNet 88x31 buttons!
get the KisuNet 88x31 buttons!
get the KisuNet 88x31 buttons!
this one's not mine, but still: get the KisuNet 88x31 buttons!
this one's not mine, but still: get the KisuNet 88x31 buttons!



so like...

I'm upset. I've been working really hard on training and making content recently, and I'm really excited to share my hard work. But there's a serious problem: SITES ARE COWARDS AND WON'T LET ME POST KINK.

Even Fansly (not to name names, you zionist-supporting fucks) which I joined specifically to be able to post kinkier shit than OnlyFans allows, doesn't allow a good 1/3rd of the content I'm making for Kinktober. Like, most places don't even allow blood, and don't get me started on piss or intox...

Also I need to rent space to fuck in for my public shoots...

Also the fake blood and wax aren't here yet...

*exhasperated mew*

but I stay silly uwu fml

My Toy Arrived!!!


You're never gonna guess what happened :D

...okay now you probably will but whatever it's here!! It's way thicker in person than it looked in the pictures online (I can't get my little fag fingers all the way around it) so I'm really excited to feel it!

Oh btw, now that it's here and I've verified the build quality, I can say where it's from!

It's a small UK business called Uncover Creations!

My Toy Shipped!!!


Sooooo, a bit ago I ordered a custom toy (from a manufacturer I'll wait to name until I know I feel satisfied with the quality...),

and I just got the email letting me know it had shipped and was en route to my country!!

This halloween is gonna be so much less cringe than last year. Which don't get me wrong, making pervs cringe is my second priority behind making you cum ♡

That said, I'm excited to make what some would call "more traditionaly pornographic" content!

Look forward to it

Sheer Content Begins Today!!


Hey gamers! I recently launched a new page on a site called! It's similar to other sites in that it lets me post content for members or for pay-per-view (I know everyone has their preference ^^).

The key difference between Sheer and other sites is the sheer (pun intented) ammount of niche and kink content they allow!

As a very kinky catgirl, this kind of creative freedom has already boosted my boldness in my exploration of new, kinkier content, and I'm super excited to show this side of me more!

The site is linked on the sidebar with my others, but you're already reading this part, so Here!

:D Comments work! :D


I found a good comments section service that's built in and for neocities! It's called Chattable!

It's pretty cool and has good moderation features, so I deem it worthy of inclusion here on KisuNet! So far, I've only implemented one in the form of this KisuChat!

Site rules apply to the chat and all future comments sections, so be kind!

💖KisuNet Official Launch!!💖


And... We're Live!

Welcome to everyone who's new! Please enjoy snooping around my latest passion project!

Beacons.AI had a "puritan moment"


The last link site that allowed direct link to porn sites is officially no longer allowing said direct links. As such, I can no longer use them to host links to my sites.

I guess this site will serve as my homepage and link hosting site now. Yay. 🙃

💖New Fan Site!💖


I'm working on publishing my edgier, kink-focused content on a new fan site I recently heard about called Sheer! It looks promising!

I've had a bit of trouble with registration, but it's only because the sheer team is so diligent in positively identifying everyone featured in the content they host. IMO it's a good thing, and while it means my page might take a few more days to set up, it also means that they care about the safety of the people using their site. This probably goes extra for them since they seem to allow a lot more varied, edgier content, but I digress; I'm excited to have my work hosted their either way!

...also they're based in Prague :)

KisuNet's 2D Art Gallery is up to date!


As of today, all the art currently on my wall has been posted here for your viewing pleasure! I'm looking into adding a comments section to the individual pages, but for now, enjoy!

meow, I'm a hyperlink (🔞)

KisuNet's 2D Art Gallery is live!


I'm not sure how often I plan on updating it, but if I put more art up on my wall, I'll probably put it in the galllery, too. If you see something on my wall in other media but it's missing from this gallery, it's probably not good enough.

meow, I'm a hyperlink (🔞)

⚠ Hiatus until Oct 1st, 2024 ⚠


It's like the title says... I need a break. I'll be on hiatus until October 1st of this year, 2024. I've needed more time for myself for a while, and my lack of work life balance finally caught up to me in the form of a depressive slump. It's nothing I haven't overcome before, but for my health, I need to take this time to work on my self care habits, hopefully so I can avoid breakdowns like this in the future.

As much as it is nice to take a break, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to get back to work; after all, sex work has been a passion since I found out how good I was at it. I have new video and audio recording equipment that allows me to film in 4k, capture full HD slow-motion shots (my first video upon returning will be a slow-mo spanking session!), and record all the delicious noises I make in crystal clear 48khz DVD quality audio! Needless to say, I've already begun familizarizing myself with my new kit, and I have several ideas I can't wait to make real!

💖First post!💖


I'm still not entirely sure what I want to use this site for, but given the fact that my work has come under fire by larger more mainstream websites and companies, I might just use it as a one stop shop for all my links and important announcements!

This site will be under construction for a while but I expect to publish it and make it known about in January of 2025, so look for an announcement then! Until then, let this just serve as a test for this post format. It was included in the template I'm using to base this site on and I'm still not sure if I like it.
