The fabulous great-grandfather of all Kot-Doodles!!
2022, Pencil on Paper
©2023-2024 Kisunya
So basically, I'm staring at yuo like this.
2022, Pencil on Paper
©2023-2024 Kisunya
Real talk if you know about Vinnie Veritas' incredible work we are now friends.
2023, Ball-Point Pen, Pencil on Paper
©2023-2024 Kisunya
2024, Ball-Point Pen on Paper
©2023-2024 Kisunya
This doodle sits above my monitor and reminds me that productivity doesn't look like a bunch of uncomfortable straight lines.
2024, Pencil on Paper
©2023-2024 Kisunya
I've doodled this exact piece in various forms for probably a decade now. Last year (2025) I was finally able to make a version of it I'm satisfied with.
2024, Pencil on Canvas
©2023-2024 Kisunya
original version meow idk what changed bite me.
2024, Marker on Paper
istilldfk lol so reusing description get fucked.
I guess I thought of those people whose art gets shown after they have a breakdown and kill themselves, and how clean-cut normies on youtube will name videos on the topic shit like "Weird Art by Crazy People"
2024, Marker on Paper
This was a vent piece to work through some religious trauma. Meow.
2023, Marker on Paper
Sometimes having a mental illness that affects your cognition is cool and a fun way to make interesting art.
2023, Pencil on Paper
One of the earliest pieces I saved.
From art school.
Uuuuughhhhnnnn marrrrrrgrrrettttttt.
2023, Graphite on Paper
So hot topic had a thing and fuck hot topic but also it was cute.
2023, Markers on Paper
Does anyone else remember longcat? That meme was so epic funny xDDDD
2023, Pencil on Paper
This is my russian goofball anarchist nitrogenated weirdo feral-cat-esque oc!
His name is Kot, which is a russian word for cat. I have a tattoo of him!
Did you know? 'Kisunya' means "pretty lady cat' in russian!
2023, Pencil on Paper
I have a lot of dreams about being isekai'd and ending up in some fantasy world with a horrible curse I need to defeat to save the kingdom or whatever.
This is kinda like that I guess...
2023, Marker on Paper
Right angles in right angles in right angles in right angles in right angles in right angles in right angles in right angles in right angles in...
2023, Marker on Paper
I'm not sure exactly but meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow.
2023, Marker on Paper
You remember her,
She's still very pathetic!
Follow up to part 1.
No, I'm still not a furry.
2024, Marker on Paper
New unsettling faggot oc just dropped,
and yes,
she's very pathetic!
I guess this functions both as a vent and a self insert.
No, I'm not a furry.
2024, Marker on Paper
My family
I used to not have one that I was proud enough of to draw, even as a kid. Maybe this is me making up for that lack.
2022, Marker on Paper
idfk lol
I guess I thought of those people whose art gets shown after they have a breakdown and kill themselves, and how clean-cut normies on youtube will name videos on the topic shit like "Weird Art by Crazy People"
2023, Marker on Paper
This is a sketch I did of a sculpture I saw on a day trip to Philadelhia. The east coast smells weird.
2015, No.2 Pencil on Paper
Does anyone else remember that annoying edm song from the mid 2010s, or was I hallucinating...
This is a self portrait, I guess?
2024, Marker on Paper
I saw this street corner in a dream that wasn't quite a nightmare, but almost was.
2023, Marker on Paper